Over the next few weeks, I'll be showing you ways to jazz up that drab dorm room. We'll go over color selection, bedding, floors, windows and walls. All kinds of ways that you can bring your unique personality to this new (or continuing!) adventure we call college.

One of the first things you need to think about before you start shopping for all of the fun stuff for your dorm room, is what color scheme can you live with for the next year or years? Are you a girly girl and revel in everything pink? Are you a sophisticate who lives on the cutting edge of fashion? Are you going to be a sorority gal, proud to show her sisterly style? Or do you just love your new school so much you want to splash your pride all over your room?

There are so many things to think about when it comes to color. One of the most important, and I can't stress this enough, is to think long term. You want to choose a color or colors that you won't be tired of in six months. You will also want to talk to your roommate and try to coordinate - you certainly don't want your half of the room to be pink and her half to be red! You don't have to have everything match perfectly, but at least get a sense of what you can both be happy with for the next year and go from there.

Once you've decided on the general color that you want to have in your room, the best way to get to your color scheme is the following: Find, Choose, Use.

Find - something that you love that has a pattern - good items to use are a throw pillow, or a rug, or any other item that you will be taking with you.

Choose - 3 shades. You want to find a dark, medium and light shade from your pattern to use in your room. It's a good idea to go to your local paint or hardware store and pick up some paint chips so you will have your palette with you whenever you are out shopping.

Use - When you finally get to your dorm room, you will want to divide your room up by the dark, medium and light shades that you have chosen.
  • Dark shades are best for your accessories as they draw your eye to them. You can arrange your accessories how you they look best in your room once you are there.
  • Medium shades are best for your furniture and windows. These colors will ground your room. Now you can't paint the furniture in your dorm room, but there's nothing to say you can't change the knobs on your desk, dresser and nightstand to add a splash of color. Add a swag of color over your window.
  • Light shades are best for your walls. Since your dorm room will come standard with some plain boring white or off-white walls, you are already covered when it comes to a light shade. However, there are ways to add a light shade of color to your dorm room walls without painting, and we will get into that in a future post.
Most of all, have fun. This is one of the most exciting times in your life. Enjoy the preparation, and let Decor 2 Ur Door help you with details.


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